Short flight times, in the hope of increasing made it even worse. Please explain what to do!

Will do I’ll have to charge my laptop

where would i find the file you need

i have the file how would i post a link to it

Upload it to a file sharing service (DropBox, Google Drive, etc) and post a link to it here.
Before doing so read this: Downloading Logs

just posted the link i believe its the right one should have multiple test flights mostly failed

Not much to see in that log, it’s not flying. Read the link again, review the log for yourself, and select one that’s flying.
Battery voltage is way low for a 3S battery if the sensor is calibrated. If you don;t know how to do that read the wiki: Battery monitor

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Ok that must have been from when I was setting it up then I’ll have to review the logs myself and find one for you. I appreciate all the help I’ll look into how to review them and get back with you

i downloaded all files earlier and thats the only .bin file i got. reconnected to download again and there all gone

that can’t be an example.

There is a larger hexacopter with a longer flight time than the DJI models.

You just never heard about this hexacopter.

The reason the Mavic is flying more than the Phantom is due to customer and commercial preferences.

If customers want the Phantom, it will be optimized and flown more.

on last flight it went over and got m8n gps module in the prop and its never been seen again. ill have a new gps and a radio so im not using joystick through telem and ill get some logs