Setpoint Raw Response

I am working with a skid steering rover in a GPS-denied environment, getting the odometry from a ZED camera. The localization works with no problems and I want to control it via mavros but I have the following issues:

  1. /mavros/setpoint_position/local works ok when I only give a command for a translation on x-axis, it does nothing when giving a quaternion and when I give a command for a translation on y-axis the movement is completely random
  2. using /mavros/setpoint/raw/local with a value of 3071 on type_mask I can give a pivot angle but I can’t get it to work with tranlsation no matter the type_mask value
  3. I can’t find a way to get a WayPoint Reached message went working with setpoint_raw.

Does anybody have an idea?
Thank you!