Set param error. Please ensure your verson is AC3.3+

Hey, guys. running a px4 radiolink module and couple issues. One, i hooked up my esc to channel 3 but i don’t get any values when going through servo output. I do. however get throttle values in radio calibration. But when going through esc calibration, it says set param error, Please ensure your version is AC3.3+. PLEASE HELP very frustrating.

Update to the latest stable ArduPlane and make sure your vehicle is armed, otherwise no PWM output.

I am having the same problem. There is one thing I don’t understand it is a plane firmware flashed, why it needs to be arducopter.

  1. Uninstall mission planner.
  2. Install the latest missionplanner
  3. Update the firmware to ArduPlane 4.0.9

Thank you for your quick reply.
1, The mission planner I just downloaded few days ago. I guess it’s the latest version.
2, I am flying a traditional airplane. What is the reason that I need to update the firmware to arducopter.

Additionally, I am using the latest version of the fiware because I need to use the Fport.

sorry I did not read carefully, I thought you mean Arducopter.

  1. Uninstall mission planner.
  2. Install the latest missionplanner
    Is it 1.3.74 mission planner?
  3. Update the firmware to ArduPlane 4.0.9
    would this version support Fport?
  1. yes.
  2. No. You need 4.1.0-dev for that.

2, this is the version that i am using.
3, i set the esc with Dshot600, it tells that needs to be AC3.3+, what did i set wrong?
can i set 2 esc with dshot while other servos all remain pwm 50HZ. firmware 4.1.0 latest

hi, you got lucky with the problem

Hi, did you ever find a solution to this problem? I’m having the exact same issue now but with Ardurover instead of Arduplane.

I have the same problem. When press <Calibrate ESC’s> get error window with “Set parameter error. Please ensure your version is AC3.3+”. What is “AC” and what I need to do to Calibrate ESC’c? Version of MP is 1.3.80 and FW for Matek-F405-VTOL last on 02.05.2023

. Simply have a version of Ardupilot at V3.3 or higher. What version of ArduPlane are you using? Surely it’s >3.3 so ignore the message.

I have the same problem. Not found a solution. Can you help me?

There is no problem!!! Are you using a version of Ardupilot higher than V3.3 (which is from 2015)? Ignore it and and calibrate the ESC’s if you are.

Ok i Will do so. Many thanks

Hello. After calibrating the esc (flycolor francy2) of my Plane, now when i raise the throttle the increase of spinning speed Is very very low, too low.
Before calibration motor responded correctly.
Calibration has changed something …
Tried ti connect the esc to BLHelisuite through the AP to change its settings but unsucesfully. Anyone can help me? Thanks

Those are blheli_32 ESC’s right? Set a Dshot protocol (Dshot 600 is typically most stable) and calibration is not required.

Thanks to you all for help. I set blheli 32 to dshot 600. But the problem of slow motor spinning persist. I realised that the slow spinning appears only with prop on. When off the motor takes the whole power. Watch please the two videos with and without props

(Attachment VID_20230507_155342.mp4 is missing)

(Attachment VID_20230507_155131.mp4 is missing)

Ahh attached videos mp4 not uploaded , format not accepted…

What kV is the Motor? Turn off “Low RPM Power Protect” from BLHeli-Suite.