Servo auto trim

Hello. Servo auto trim work in auto mode?
Tks for answer

no its only in stabilized flight modes

SERVO_AUTO_TRIM: Automatic servo trim

Note: This parameter is for advanced users

This enables automatic servo trim in flight. Servos will be trimed in stabilized flight modes when the aircraft is close to level. Changes to servo trim will be saved every 10 seconds and will persist between flights. The automatic trim won’t go more than 20% away from a centered trim.

If use fbwa its okay?

Auto mode is not a stabilized mode ? Who stabilizes the attitude in auto mode if not the autopilot?

Regards Rolf

Yes servo auto trim works in auto mode. You can read more about which modes are stabilized in the docs.

If you are curious, the code for servo auto trim is here. The comment on that code is quite old. Looks like it is referencing a time when RCIN and SERVOOUT were one and the same.

If use auto trim in auto mode fly point by point its okay?

God is in charge when in auto

Automatic Trim works (AUTO, CRUISE,etc.) or FBWA

but he asked about SERVO AUTO TRIM

i tested it in flight in in auto as soon as i switch out to stabilized mode the trims changed to out of trim

but if i did it in stabilized mode it saved them
this what i had notices on my setup

yes, it works in AUTO mode

so Any idea what why it would change switching out of auto to STABILIZE mode then the planes out trim

I’m not really sure what you mean by “it would change”. The code operates the same way in AUTO as FBWA.
Note that it doesn’t run in STABILIZE mode (or several other modes such as ACRO).

this what it says in the docs it is why i was getting confused

SERVO Parameters

SERVO_AUTO_TRIM: Automatic servo trim

Note: This parameter is for advanced users

This enables automatic servo trim in flight. Servos will be trimed in stabilized flight modes when the aircraft is close to level. Changes to servo trim will be saved every 10 seconds and will persist between flights. The automatic trim won’t go more than 20% away from a centered trim.


Does “Autotrim works in Auto mode” mean that autotrim settings will be saved in auto mode, and autotrim will not affect flight performance in Auto mode, right?

I’m debating this issue with my friend.

Hello. do you have any idea?