Send MAVLink message with GCS like mission planner

There is any way to send MAVLink message from GCS to FC with telemetry or something like that?
I want to send Copter Commands in Guided Mode from GCS to FC.

@ppoirier @amilcarlucas @rmackay9

Yes, of course that is possible, and yes it uses a telemetry data modem.

You can send them using MissionPlanner QGroundControl, MavProxy, APMPlanner, dronekit, pymavlink, MavROS. Just pick one. :slight_smile: and ask more concrete questions.

Thank you so much.
I want to send Copter commands in guided mode to my flight controller with MAVLink, when my drone is flying in stabilize mode. I can switch flight mode by my radio controller. But I don’t know how to send MAVLink message like the python code I wrote : " the_connection.mav.send(mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_set_position_target_local_ned_message(10, the_connection.target_system, the_connection.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_OFFSET_NED, type_mask, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, afx, afy, afz, yaw, yaw_rate)) " .

Can you tell me a way to send MAVLink message with my laptop that connected to FC with MissionPlanner?

Yes, @amilcarlucas’s link to the Developer MAVLink interface page should be useful. If you’re using MAVProxy (which I’d recommend actually for this purpose) the wiki page includes commands that can be copy-pasted directly into MAVProxy’s terminal to try them out. MAVProxy also runs on Windows…

thank you @amilcarlucas @rmackay9 very much :slight_smile:

this describes with code example how i did it.

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