I normally fly for 30 mins or less and put the plane away and have had no issues. Today I left he FC on for 50 minutes and only flew 3 ~5min flights during that time. For some reason the 2nd and 3rd flights were really sketchy in stabilize mode.
Gps data on the OSD was also showing crazy numbers like 0mph, then suddenly 80mph, when it should be 30-45mph. The 3D visualization of the flight path shows a jagged, erratic path, where the orientation of the plane is all over the place. Why? I graphed everything I could find to compare the first flight with the second flight and found no correlation other than the IMU and BARO temp was a few degrees higher for the 2nd and 3rd flights. What causes the momentary erratic orientation state? It is as if the CPU is briefly undercloicking itself or some other process is lagging the system.
I’m using a Matek H743-WING