Yaw (and plane) out of control in auto modes (ATT.Yaw)

I generally don’t see anything out-of-line in your logs, although I would improve your prop balancing or IMU Isolation. At higher throttle settings, I think you are having some aliasing that is causing those SV values to rise. Yours seem to stay average around 0.5 until later in the flight when your average throttle increased.

Those SV values are probably increasing because of the Z-acceleration variance (IMU.AccZ)

I compared the SV values to my most recent flight, and my values for a large, super-stable twin-engine plane peak around 0.2

My z-acceleration does not vary nearly as much as yours. Here is yours:

Here is mine:

At this point, only looking at data is difficult. A picture of your plane and autopilot attachment would really help me diagnose any problems that you are having. It does look like your plane is following its mission well.