See parameters change within dataflash log

I recently flew my vehicle to tune some parameters. Now I am analyzing the logs and I want to know if there is a way to see within the log when a specific parameters was changed so I can see the effects of the parameter change.

Yes you can see how that is done here:

Or you can save the current parameters to a file
Then load a previous .bin log file via “Review a Log” , Show Params and Compare Params and select the saved param file.
There are a bunch of read only system parameters that always change, like flight time and boot count, just ignore those.

In MAVExplorer you can use the command paramchange It will show the old and new values.

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I am slowly becoming a MavExplorer convert for the GCS message dump and param change features. Still a little harder to browse the basic graphs than Mission Planner, but otherwise more powerful overall.

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Maybe because I jump between windows/mac/linux, MavExplorer has become my goto for all things log. Even the basics. Unless I’ve got MP open, and I just need something quick, otherwise MavExplorer is my first choice. And compared to others around here I feel I’m still just a hack with it.


What if the run is continuous, and I want to see only the changes between these two points? Is there a way to do that?
I already zoomed in on the section between them and selected ‘Show Params.’ However, when I clicked on ‘Modified,’ nothing showed up. I even manually listed some parameters to check individually, but it seems like the parameters are the same throughout this file, right?

What parameter are you expecting to see change? Because once the drone is in flight, unless you’re running a tuning script or something like that then I wouldn’t expect to see a parameter change. If you use the MavExplorer paramchange function, it will give you the time a parameter change was made.

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