Searching for best rover combination


I’m new here and I’m very interested in building an autonomous rover.

I have some experience in programming with Arduino and actually wanted to develop the rover with ArduPilot based on Arduino. I’ve been researching the wiki for a while now and think that Arduino is too underpowered to realise this. (Gladly correct)

Now I am looking for a new microcontroller or similar (probably a flight controller) that is relatively cheap. The open hardware controllers supported in the wiki are mostly far too expensive for me or are currently not available online. So I’m asking here if anyone has a good alternative.

My goal is to be able to automate the rover with GPS, gyroscope and encoders and connect it to MissionPlanner. I already own the AW4D3 from Lynxmotion with 4 12V electric motors. Can you help me with this?

And: What would it mean for independent programming if I used a controller with closed hardware?

Many thanks :slight_smile:

A $100 is way too expensive?

this is the cheapest compatible controller

Which one you mean? 100$ is okay

Thanks! And this one is compatible with the ArduPilot?

its not got as many ports or outputs as a h743 controller it will do pretty much everything apart from lua scripting. if you want it to do everyting then you need a H743 controller like the Matek H743

There are quite a few for ~$100. Some cheaper with less capability but fully supported.