Opening this thread to ask if there is any support for OpenIpc Ardupilot OSD.
AFAIK there is more work on the OpenIPC/WFB side of things, Ardupilot sends all the necessary data over MAVLink.
from looking at the manual, its basically using wifibroadcastng for the ground station so it should work fine with mavlink
truly nice to start seeing some OpenIPC board !
The board speak mavlink so AP support should be working already.
“Should” is a big question mark. As experience tells us that usually something is always broken. E.g. I just bought a Micro-OSD V2 from HolyBro Micro OSD V2 – Holybro Store (yes analog) and the osd is working except it won’t display flight modes… go figure.
Yes. that’s what it says.
it just looks like an updated minimosd, when you say your not getting flight modes, are they not showing at all or not changing?
It is literally a minimosd
just find some updated minimosd software for it, there isnt many updates for minimosd these days.
I think this one is a little more up to date but its £2 for the config software.
If the RunCam WiFiLink module is flashed with OpenIPC firmware, you might want to check this: OpenIPC OSD is different from wfb_ng+wfb_ng_osd on ubuntu? · svpcom/wfb-ng · Discussion #337 · GitHub