Runcam OpenIpc AIO Ardupilot OSD

Opening this thread to ask if there is any support for OpenIpc Ardupilot OSD.

AFAIK there is more work on the OpenIPC/WFB side of things, Ardupilot sends all the necessary data over MAVLink.

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from looking at the manual, its basically using wifibroadcastng for the ground station so it should work fine with mavlink

truly nice to start seeing some OpenIPC board !

The board speak mavlink so AP support should be working already.


“Should” is a big question mark. As experience tells us that usually something is always broken. E.g. I just bought a Micro-OSD V2 from HolyBro Micro OSD V2 – Holybro Store (yes analog) and the osd is working except it won’t display flight modes… go figure.

Sorry for jump in.
Just a quick question. It’s a closed software in ATmega328P, am I right?

Yes. that’s what it says.

it just looks like an updated minimosd, when you say your not getting flight modes, are they not showing at all or not changing?

It is literally a minimosd

just find some updated minimosd software for it, there isnt many updates for minimosd these days.

I think this one is a little more up to date but its £2 for the config software.

If the RunCam WiFiLink module is flashed with OpenIPC firmware, you might want to check this: OpenIPC OSD is different from wfb_ng+wfb_ng_osd on ubuntu? · svpcom/wfb-ng · Discussion #337 · GitHub