RP LiDAR A2 Series Power

I’m Using RP LiDAR A2M12 with CUAV-X7+ autopilot with ardupilot code.
In this link : RPLidar A2 360 degree lidar — Copter documentation suggested to connect motor control to Vcc. My question is, this don’t use extra power? is this work dangerous for UART/TELEM ports?
Can I connect motor control(PWM) wire to AUX or PWM output to rotate the sensor and start scanning?
Any suggestion for decrease power used in UART/TELEM ports?


Use a separated BEC to provide the required power. Do not connect it to the flight controller VCC output, only to GND

thank you very much amilcarlus.

Hi Joe, were you able to get the A2M12 working with ardupilot? i have seen a few other questions in this forum saying it doesn’t support this particular model yet. If yes, Please provide any details you can.

Ask RP lidar to support development by providing a free lidar to the dev team, and then, maybe, you will get support.

Thanks for the reply. What models of RPlidar are currently supported by ardupilot in A1 and A2 series?
I am aiming for outdoor obstacle avoidance. Also should the lidar be placed without any obstructions like landing gears, GPS, etc or is it possible to securely place it under drone and manage by changing minimum detection distance?