RP LIDAR A2 not configuring with rover

Hey there i am using apm 2.4.8 i am trying to configure rp lidar a2 for my rover but i am not able to get data out there.
from other posts i have powered lidar from 5v BEC and ground of BEC, telem port and lidar is common still i am not getting proximity reading. i have used both 115200 and 256000 baud rate on both telem 1 and telem 2 port also.

what i am thinking is i am not even getting proximity data message as above image i am not sure what am i missing. i am attaching parameter file here also
rover.param (15.4 KB)

and yes i have wired everything up correctly i guess
lidar vcc-motor control-external 5v
BEC gnd-lidar gnd-telem port gnd

In your parameters, you’ve got SERIAL1_BAUD = 256, rather than the default of 115. Have you checked if your RPLIDAR is configured for the same baud rate?

it works on 115000 baud rate but it is not working on that so i have changed it to 256000 just for testing purpose