Rover Throttle R & L not working

Hi everyone-I have System Consists of
1- Cube Orange With ( ADS-B Carrier Board)
2- Two RFD 900X Telem
3- Two Simple RTK2B (Base - Rover )
4- One GPS Here3
5- joy Stick/ gamepad (F310)
6-Mission Planner 1.3.74 (ROVER )
The all System is Working But
1- When Main out 1& 3 is throttle L&R the servo motor not working But when 1&3 is RCPass Thru the servo motor working ( i need Main out 1& 3 is throttle L&R)
2- the motor test not working
3- i need to connected to RC servo motor to AUX OUT Or Relay What i can do Because i need more control ch
4- i need when start the Mission Planner the joystick automatically enable
Pls help Me