Rover RTL Speed Issue

I’m pretty sure it can, and it’s just a config/tuning issue :slight_smile: Ardupilot versions don’t regress or get worse over time.

I would recommend flashing either the latest stable, the latest pre-built dev, or the one I’ve attached. The attached one should include the fix for the RTL_SPEED bug, but it’s a dev version. Then again, a rover isn’t going to fall from the sky so there’s not much that could go wrong.

Then, go through the setup and tuning process (especially Tuning Speed and Throttle — Rover documentation and ESC Calibration — Rover documentation, but you should try to go through all of it).

Then run another test!

Also, what ESCs are you using? I’m not that familiar with Rover, but I’m pretty sure your issue lies somewhere between uncalibrated ESCs and untuned throttle settings. (902.5 KB)

Hi Oli,

Thank you so much, I will update and try.

thanks again.