Rover motor stops while steering

I have a rover with two brushless motors, and whenever I try to steer in any direction one motor spins and the other blocks, how can I configure the robot or modify the firmware to make the motors work so whenever you steer one motor moves at top speed and the other goes slow? My goal is to ensure a smooth drive without the motors locking on each other

Can you post a logfile and params that show this issue?

How can i export a logfile from qgroundcontrol I have it on an MK32 controller from SIYI?

Here are the parameters: Parametros MKR1 V1.param (18.1 KB)

There would be a logfile on the SD card on the flight controller (bin file).

You could try increasing MOT_STR_THR_MIX to 0.8 or 0.9, which will prioritise steering over throttle. See if that helps