Requesting Help Calibrating SimonK 30A Esc on a PixHawk Board

Greetings Marty,
So yes you are right < and my apologies > - it is “not” tilting right over < immediately>
If I increase the thrust < about 30 to 35 % ) it will lift off - but it is extremely unstable.

What I have not tried it as soon as I get it airborne - about 1o to 12 feet - put it in Altitude Hold.
Do you think that is a good idea ?
And if I can get it to Altitude Hold - I try and use the pitch and roll to control ( to achieve Hover )
Last time I tried this - it was extremely reactive and I lost control.

Now watching Randy’s YouTube on Tuning - he say to configure a SaveTrim switch on the Radio controller. I was not able to do so.
I am attaching three screen captures - please let me know if you see something glaring which is not correct.

I am afraid I cannot really take a video - since I do not have someone to hold a camera.

Again thank you for helping me.

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Thank you Rahul,I will take a look at the settings on my 450 later and see how they compare and report back to you

MOT_SPIN_ARM should be set to something like 0.10 or just under - whatever allows the motors to spin as slow as possible but reliably.

Don’t worry about doing the Save Trim thing.

Provide a link to the .bin log from when you had it flying, and we can provide you much more info.

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Thank you Shawn,Rahul please follow the advice from Shaun he is the bestest tuner on here

Thank you in advance to both of you Marty and Shawn.

So here is some of the info. I am uploading

#1: the corrected MOT_SPIN_ARM number . Please the attached file named : MOT_Spin_Settings_17Oct2023

#2: I have not yet got an opportunity to fly ( more like scared to crash ). But attaching a Bin file - this is the current Bin file (prior to flight ) .
I am not sure if you can find some settings I should change before the flight.

Also including a link to the log file: Hopefully you are able to access it.

Any feedback is very much appreciated.

Rahul - I am facing the same problem as you are. I connected to Mission planner and did all calibrations. I am getting stuck in ESC calibration. I understand your calibration worked by individually calibrating each ESC, but in my case i have already soldered my ESCs to the board. Did you buy new ESCs after the first calibration failed? Would love to know