im trying to config 2 servos and a gimbal. the gimbal is one of the base cam cheap ones from ebay. both servos are plugged into aux out 1 and 2 and the aux out 3 and 4 go to the plugs from the gimbal. power is suplied from a bec and the grounds are all shared. (i fallowed the wiki best i could till i hit a road block. i udated my board to the newest stable ardupilot. mission planner is the newest stable. and in the wiki its telling me to enable param “MNT1_TYPE”. there is no such thing. available no matter where i search. . i watched video after video aand im still stumped. im sure its something stupid or that i forgot to do. but if you guys could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance!
I don’t know how to help you with the gimbal, but about the servo, you just need to make sure the SERVO_GPIO_MASK is configured to servo output for AUX 1 and 2, but further detail is required on how you are going to control these servos (it will reflect an RC input or actuate by mission commands, for instance).
Thank you for the fast reply. I was in a rush posting it. Ok so i plan to fly this hexaocopter from a gsc autonomous and with joystick if need be. No rc will be able because i have it being controlled over 4glte uavcast. Ive build a hybrid generator system for it too lengthen flight times.
With a Pixhawk there is a 1 Meg limit and depending on which version of firmware you loaded those parameters have been removed to save space.
Aux outs are now labeled as servo’s and start after the standard ones so they would be servo9 - servo14.
You still do not gave us any clue on the usage of the servo… Will it be used to control the generator?
But do you have a RC in order to first fly and tune your copter? It will be needed.
the servo will be used to pull a pin to drop a payload. the other servo runs the throttle of the generator. i do not think that one will be going to the pixhawk now that i remember correctly. im trying to develo something to control the throttle like a governor to idle up the motor durring lift and idle down motor when hovering ect.
This one I think you can setup as a gripper:
If you need to develop some interaction with FC, I think that LUA Scripts are the way to go.
could you elaborate what a LUA scripts are
Basicaly, it is an implementation for H7 boards where you can run LUA (a programming language) Scripts to be executed alongside Ardupilot main firmware in order to implement small mods without having to build a custom Ardupilot firmware. Here is the reference:
Also, @Yuri_Rage has some very nice posts related to this here at the forum, take a look on it.
So i went to set up the gripper and fallow the wiki docs. And i can not find or activate the GRIP_ENABLE or any GRIP_XXX parameters for that matter. I was able to set SERVO9_FUNCTION to 28 (gripper) wrote params, restarted board and nothing. Cant find it in any settings. Any where. Ive noticed that this is a big reason im having alot of my problems is because im literally missing alot of these parameters.
What Flight Controller? It’s probably feature limited. If so you have 2 choices. Replace that FC with one that has 2mb flash (best choice). Or, try the Custom Firmware Builder and select Payload>Enable Gripper, uncheck some other stuff, and try to build a workable firmware:
Custom Firmware Builder
There is a 3rd possibility and that’s if you have installed the wrong version of firmware on the FC. That depends on the FC.
This can happen, and often does, when people buy the wrong Flight Controller for the application. Buy one with an H7 processor.
fixed. loaded firmware legacy for pixhawk 1 instead of pixhawk1-1m
now with this your saying i can use my pixhawk to connect to the servo that controls my throttle so that when i have a draw in power it will tell the servo to idle up the throttle and when extra power is not needed it will tell it to idle down?
thanks in advance.
Here is the part where programming is needed, so that’s why I told you about LUA Scripts, it is the easiest way, but unfortunately, it is not supported by your hardware. You will need to build custom firmware in order to do so. Refer to this documentation for further assistance on this: