Anyone know the best place for replacment batterys ?
I did buy some cheap ones of eBay. Tho they was junk . A couple didn’t hold a charge and ones that did i got 2mins flight time if i was lucky. Checked skyrocket and they do not list the 1200mah batterys.
Ordered these . . . I’ll update when & if they arrive and flight test.
Looks like a good deal for 4 batteries and a group charger.
The JST connectors should plug right in to the SV.
Those are very similar to the ones I bought of eBay.
Hope you have better luck than I did. I had two that wouldn’t hold a charge and two that lasted around two mins, if i was lucky. I also found the connector was just slightly different and wouldn’t fit. So ended up with this set up…
Interesting as I stopped at Wally World after breakfast this morning and they had no SV drones but an entire sleeve of the 1200mah batteries. Grabbed two.
This is a modified smartphone bat that I attempted to use on the SV. Only flew briefly and only 4-5 ft altitude.
Any ideas why, besides the fact I bypassed the cell battery control circuitry? I have others to experiment with.
Those batteries aren’t high output. They are designed for a sleepover and steady discharge. It’s also only 3.8v. the SV batteries are 4.4v. So at 3.8 you’re already on the edge of not having enough power