Replacment batterys?

The replacement batteries from Southern China finally arrived . . . not OEM from FULLRIVER in Northern China but they do hold a charge and go for 8 mins max even at 1400mAh . . . but the price was right @ $3.72ea
(wall plug not included)
Guess I’ll try running one in parallel with the OEM

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Good to hear you didnt get ripped off like I did.

I did have my doubts about the ones I got.

I’ve not a lot of electronic experience with drones but I’ve built small amps for MP3 players. One of the issues with sound is the bass pulls the most power from the circuit, so fast the music can get choppy. The trick to keep the power up was to put a cap (1 to 1.5mf) across the power input as a reserve. Will try this when I get a chance.

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Did the ones you purchase have any labelling? The eBay listing has been deleted; would like to see it . . . I got mine straight from China via AliExpress taking about 3-4 weeks . . . can’t tell from your pic which connector you added and which one was original . . . the JST connectors that came on mine are a real tight fit the first few times . . . you’d think there would be only a couple of battery manufacturers in China like there is in the states for auto batteries.

Wal-mart has the 1200 3.7v larger battery in stock for $9.97 each. Just ordered 3 that will be here next Friday. Also ordered an extra v2450gps for $88 for the wife so she will put mine down.

So far so good with my $3 bats . . . 6-7 min max flight time, in the wind with brush guards fitted