Reducing Motor Output for 6S Battery


I previously tuned my quadcopter with a 4S configuration following this guide. I was able to get good results and a stable flight in LOITER and GUIDED modes. However, when I switched to a 6S battery (using the same specs) and had to tune the PID again, despite having fairly good stabilize and alt hold performance, LOITER mode introduces wobbling in the quadcopter, also, I had to reduce the gains by a considerable amount to make it flyable.

Because I was able to get a decent tune before, I’m starting to think the drone is overpowered and would like to know ways of reducing the motor output or current limit so the quadcopter can behave similarly to how it does when flying with a 4S battery.

Here are my specs:

  • Holybro X500
  • Pixhawk 6X Mini
  • Xing Iflight 3110 900kv
  • VGood 80A ESCs
  • 4S 5200mAh / 6S 4000mAh
  • Weight: ~ 2400g

Also, I attached a log with the 6S battery in stabilize mode, I’ll be flying soon and hopefully bring more relevant logs.

When you do such a radical change you need to fully redo the configuration from scratch. And this time use the configurator software.

É bem melhor e mais simples.

Thank you very much for your help!

We were redoing the setup again and noticed that we have relatively high VIBE levels while flying (around 20-30 max, also, it’s worse in X axis). Our build seem to be good in terms of mechanical components. I’m wondering if the soft mounting of the Pixhawk 6X Mini with double-sided tape that came with the X500 Frame Kit could be causing this?


Yes, it could in some situations actually make things worse.
But before trying that, balance the props and make sure the cables are not propagating vibrations to the FC.

And use the software and post the param files