I would like to use an external barometer. Do you guys have a recommendation for an external high precision barometer? I could only find barometers with 10cm resolutions. Does anybody knows a barometer with a higher/better resolution as 10centimeters?
For sure, I would like to use this external barometer with the Pixhawk Cube and the latest stable firmware.
I’m afraid a baro with that resolution hasn’t been invented yet.
And even if so, one wind blow and the measurement would be destroyed.
Maybe you should think about a Lidar rangefinder. There are some with 1cm accuracy.
Hands-down the best barometer I’ve used is the MS5611. And you have one inside your Cube so you’re already at the pinnacle of technology
Barometers measure air pressure, and any close-by disturbance, like, let’s say a rotating propeller, will affect its readings and hence precision.
If your flights are below 100m ground altitude, a laser rangefinder can step in to alleviate height errors induced by air currents, and depending on your wallet, some can give you centimeter precision above ground and obstacles. If your flights are above 100m ground altitude, I don’t really see a centimeter precision as useful.