Reciprocating movement of dc motor

When I put the control joystick in the forward position for my unmanned ground vehicle project, the engine rotates smoothly. However, when I move the joystick to the reverse position, the motor moves forward again. So I can’t return it. can you help me?

@Mete_Ersoy , how you think the helpful experts can help if they don’t know anything of your project and setup. The experts use lot of their free time to help us stupid users, but we have to suport with all necessary information.

@Mete_Ersoy, great you just repeated known information again. This will not help.
A unmanned ground vehicle could be everything starting from a simple RC-toy. So if nowbody exept you knows about your toy how you will get any help?
You have to provide all necessary details.
At first is this a list of all components (brand & type).
Detailed information of the setup
If a ardupilot compatible board is used information of the used firmware as well as the used parameter-file as file and a logfile of one of your testdrives.
Only if this all is available here the experts can have a look to it.

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