Im working on a autonomous drones and controlling by giving rc commands on the terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can do some operations like:
takeoff,left ,right,forward,backward…and i am not using GPS…
Can anyone please help me…
You could start by watching https://youtu.be/EGWrmJAVWkY and looking at the references given by @Yuri_Rage in the comments.
Hey @bhaskar_glitch – did you check out the python scripts in the Mission Planner repo? They might be useful for what you are looking for. They show how to arm, disarm, issue RC override commands, change modes, etc. – all in Python. Fun stuff!
MissionPlanner/Scripts at master · ArduPilot/MissionPlanner (github.com)
You have already made this request once in a duplicate topic.
The easiest method to accomplish what you desire is by using scripts designed to run within Mission Planner (based on IronPython).
If that doesn’t suit you, look at the pymavlink library.
I tried all the things but nothing helped…the codes are asking for the alttitude parameter and how we can give altittude without GPS…!
Please help
I tried all the things but nothing helped…the codes are asking for the alttitude parameter and how we can give altittude without GPS…!
Please help
Nothing helped sir i gone through the video:worried:
You can give a desired altitude, nothing prevents you from doing that.
Read the instructions again, and ask more concrete questions. And post exact error messages.
@bhaskar_glitch the altitude is detected via the barometer, not exclusively via the GPS; so you should be able to specify an altitude as long as you have the right sensors. Do you have a baro onboard?
Yah i’ve baro but can you please tell how to take altitude with it?
Again, be specific. Post some examples of your code. Post the error messages. Tell us exactly what you want to do rather than punctuating with vague desperation and exclamation marks. We can’t help you otherwise.