Range Finder Greyed out

yup thats all you do.
Just make sure there is a common ground.
Just pull the vcc and gnd from the plug going into the pixhawk and get them into the ubec. That simple.

Yes that’s it …providing the Tfmini is set to I2C

Patrick could you help with my first question?

@rickyg32 @ppoirier Haven’t figured this out yet. Does your MP / Quick Menu Sonar Range agree with the real world or do you just ignore and all is good? It shows 7.55 m but is really 7.55 ft.


For anyone who might be interested it was a simple fix. Change of units from ft to meters in Planner.

no way it’s that easy wow

Hey all
Tf Mini I2C question. If I want more then one TF Mini on the I2C bus do I need to change the address for each one and if so how.