Random Motor Kill?

I’d flown for about 40 minutes with a couple packs no issue. On the third pack, about
10 minutes in, all the motors cut simultaneously. Because the 4 motors quit simultaneously It dropped straight down and fortunately nothing was damaged. Any idea what’s going on? It still had power and all connections were secure.

Here’s the Log (sorry for the size, was doing FFT work)

It’s a quadcopter running 13" props with an F7 fc.

looks like you lost power to the ESCs

how is the power setup?

6s run down to 20V, some ESC’s will do a cut at a low voltage. And a few EKF errors going on…

It’s a Li-Ion so it’s fine at 20v.

@tridge it’s an aikon 4 in 1 powered from VBAT. The routing is battery - mRo power zero - ESC.

I wasn’t able to see ESC temp in my log viewer. I wonder if it thermal throttled? I think thermal protection is set to something like 140. I didn’t think it would kill the motors though.

@vosair - good call.

16:53:56 Potential Thrust Loss (3)
16:53:56 EKF3 lane switch 2
16:53:56 EKF primary changed:2
16:53:57 Potential Thrust Loss (3)

I’ve only gotten potential thrust losses when running a very low volt battery. Seems indicative of the ESC having an issue?

This is weird. ESC volt telem dies for a moment, and then comes right back?

@andyp1per I lowered the TRATE to 17 (same as the gyro filter) and put about an hour and 40 on it. No motor cuts. I also disabled batch logging for all the IMUs. I had all 3 running before, I wonder if it was a CPU overload situation with the faster TRATE?

CPU overload doesn’t explain why the ESCs got hot.
I still need to figure out how to only run the notch on one IMU - it’s not that easy because the EKF needs gyro values from other IMUs for comparison

I didn’t think them being 120c should be an issue? The thermal protection is set to 140c. I know that the logs temps get all weird where it goes into negative values. I’m not sure what that’s about.

I held it down and put 5 packs at 20 minutes each through the bird in stab mode, running it a bit harder than it does in regular loiter flight. No problems.
I tried a loiter flight and 12 minutes in exactly the same thing happened. All motors cut.

I swapped the ESC and made it through 2 packs without issues.

@andyp1per I’ve never seen these ESC Bad CRC messages before. I’m assuming it’s because BLheli debug is on now? Any idea what they mean?

Well, I decided to try a larger ESC with metal FETs. It’s quite a bit cooler in the logs (90c) but does the exact same thing. The motors cut as the ESC reboots. In the logs the ESC telem disappears for a few seconds and then comes back after it’s rebooted.

which software is this?