Radiomaster TX16S + RFD TXMod Sbus

*** nevermind I can answer this myself - the v2.x modem hardware files are the ones I should have used. I now have it working as expected. My mistake.

OK - good that you worked that out and updated us - thanks.

How does the TX Mod setup compare to connecting the RC transmitter as a Joystick in MP? Is responsiveness the only difference?

The TXMOD has about the same responsiveness as a normal transmitter/receiver combo.
Quad racer guys may pick up on some latency or something, but for normal use I cant detect any difference except for the long range and all-in-one RC+telemetry features.
Certainly a world apart from a joystick via MissionPlanner and an old-style 3DR telem radio at 56k.

I see, curious how acceptable joystick with Rfd900x’s as the telem link would be. Not for racing but long range fixed wing piloting

I’m having some problems with the txmod v2 with a tx16s. Telemetry and sbus are working but after a few minutes on the radio calibration screen channel values start jumping all over the place, so much that I would be scared to fly it this way. I’ve looked at every post I can find on setup and can’t seem to find a solution. All radios are on the latest firmware. Anyone else run into this problem?

My RFD TXMOD doesn’t show wifi ap. Also, the reset button does nothing.
I suspect that the problem is in the firmware.
Do you know how to “hard” flash the module without wifi?
Thanks for the help!

Here is a link to a “How-To” for setting up the TXMOD for SBUS RC control, it should work OK for any RC Transmitter with OpenTX or EdgeTX

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