Radio failsafe FS_THR_ENABLE = 4 - Enabled SmartRTL or RTL - Quad flies away - sticks locked


I start a new topic, may be this problem is already mentioned in some other place, but my searches did not give back any exact results. So …

Which configuration ? .
Let’s see :

  • 5 inches quad (more or less)
  • Copter 4.5. dev version
  • Speedybee F4V3 Fc
  • 4s lipo
  • Frsky Transmitter x9-lite
  • Edgetx 2.9.1
  • ExpressLrs 3.3.1 (EU LBT)
  • HM900RX
  • R9MLitepro TX
  • gps, barometer, compass, vtx
  • fpv cam and recording HD cam

…What happened ?
After a quiet flight in acro and poshold mode, I came back next to takeoff place, instead of landing I switched off Transmitter and , voila ! …my quad started flying away . ,no more tx stick controls, at the end I decided to disarm (by switch) and quad fell down luckily on the grass.

Question is :

  • Should quad have been landed instead ?
  • How to see sdcard logs (so many of them …that day, I did not find it exactly) ?
  • What kind of route the quad did take ?
    (It was not resembling any described SRTL path explained in arducopter on line help).
  • Why I was not able to regain control with my transmitter switched again on ?
    (I succeded only in disarming while flying)
  • is there any dependency from ExpressLRS configuration ?
    (I tried to screen this, but it is quite a quirk topic, it seems that no tx radio triggers no rx command that in turns triggers rx failsafe in fc sw)

Any idea ?
How to regain control from radio failsafe ?

Thanks in advance,


Ummm… yeah… There’s better ways to test radio failsafes.

Most of your questions will require a log to see what’s exactly going on. You can look at the SD card and the logs are stored in order. Or if you download them from Mission Planner via the USB connection they will come up with a file name that has the date and time. Post the .bin file for this flight in question.

It sounds to me like the quad went into Smart RTL. The name is a bit misleading. Smart RTL will follow a “breadcrumb” trail back the way it came until it gets back to the starting point. So even if you’re close to home, the drone will fly away.

To regain control from RTL/Smart RTL/Auto/Guided, etc you cycle your flight modes. Use what ever switch you have for flight modes and change it from it’s current position to something else. If the switch is already in the mode you want, just move the switch to a different position and move it back to the desired flight mode. The movement of the switch can be fast, a sort of double-click kind of move.


I am in doubt if I were flying with no home point registered.
But in this case , quad should have landed.
Correct ?


I tried ro decode bin logs, but MP was not showing my route to the falling point.

At least …I did not find it, other routes were shown
Morover, I do not remember if I walked back , after the crash, with quad switched on and disarmed.
But, in such case, will the fc track the gps positions in the bin log ?



If you upload the log to a filesharing service, then share the link here we can check

Ok …,
I found exact log (quite big).

There is a smart_rtl at end of flight.

Link is here : Dropbox - 00000059.BIN - Simplify your life

let me know Your impressions and analysis about.
