Question to Position Hold Mode

ich have a Octocopter and I have a question to flying in PosHold Mode. As far as I understand this mode holds altitude, GPS-psition and the heading. My question goes to the heading hold. I expect that the copter holds the heading if I do not give a RC-command, right? So I made an experiment:
I hover in front of me (no wind at all) with for ex. heading 0°. Than I go to the hovering copter and turn it with my hands (not with RC-command!) to heading 90° and let it go again. Then the copter goes a little bit back in the direction of 0°, but only a little. Something about 10-20°. I expect that it goes back to heading 0°. So, do I expect the wrong thing or is something wrong with my setup. Can anyone explain this to me?
Best regards

Use loiter instead, it should behave like you want.

thank you for your advise. I was just outside and gave it a try in loiter mode. But it is still the same. The copter does not go back to the origin heading. Any other idea?


Which FW version? update to the latest stable before continuing.

V4.3.2. just trying to update it, but I’m struggling with this…

OK, now I updated to V 4.3.7, but nothing changed. The copter goes back about 10-20° but not to the origin heading.

So you are manually grabbing the copter and turning it? I do not think it will behave like you are asking as this would be a very odd flight characteristic. what in your mission profile would exert that kind of yaw force not commanded via the rc/gcs?

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I want to mount a Payload on the top of the copter. But this payload can not be placed in the Yaw-center of the copter. So if a windgust appears it will not only push the copter to the side but it will also turn it arround the yaw-axis. …and then it looses the heading if the copter does not have enough torque for only a small moment of the gust.

Has this copter exhibited the described behavior inflight without the user physically turning the copter. post a log file of it in normal flight that will help.

Hi, Thank you that you will help me. For a better understanding some statements:

  1. I’m not experienced. This is my first copter
  2. It is an Octocopter with EDF
  3. FC is an Pixhawk
  4. The EDF’s have very little torque, so I mounted them with an angle of 5°. After this I was able to control it.

The copter flies not to bad, but with an excentric payload on top the YAW does not work good enough. So I tried to tune the PID and when I did this I found that the copter does not turn back completely to the origin heading when I turn it by hand. Here is the link to the logfile for turning by hand:

And here is a Link to a logfile with 3 short files. The first 2 flights were made with the Payload. The 3rd without.

With payload I was not able to control the copter. Without it was OK.