Question on Taking FFT log for notch filter frequency

While reading about taking the FFT log to determine the vibration frequency, I ran across this paragraph:

To get a notch filter setup you need to hover your vehicle for at least 30 seconds with no pilot input and with [INS_LOG_BAT_MASK]set to 1. This will enable FFT logging which will guide the correct setup of the notch filters.

I am assuming this 30 second hovering can’t be done with loiter mode? I don’t think my little 3" quad will stay reasonably still for 30 seconds without me trying to pull it back. Is there a way to keep it still for 30 seconds?

You can set:
and hover in AltHold or Loiter.
Stabilise is a useful mode to practice in too since it could be needed in emergencies

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Appreciate the response! I will give that a try!
I can fly in stabilized without issues (been flying in Betaflight for a while). But it’s just near impossible to keep a 3" quadcopter still without touching any controls. They seem to want to drift no matter what!

Thanks again!

It’s not critical to ONLY hover, some amount of movements are fine.
If you go ballistic then the FFT graphs will be poluted with a mess of frequencies.