Question about X and H frame

I created a H frame drone but little did I realised the prop direction is different from X.

Is there any difference between H and X in terms of firmware control?

If I used X frame type on a H frame drone would anything happen?

I remember reading that there actually is a difference regarding frame physics. Definitely set FRAME_TYPE to 3 and order the motors so they’re spinning correctly.

EDIT, here:

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These are supported motor layout. You cannot be creativity without modifying the firmware.

For example, DJI X, Quad CW X, and Quad X have different motor control algorithm.

I am not sure what motor you are using, usually we swap two motor wires to have the opposite direction.

Sadly, that would not be possible unless I completely redo the entire drone. My motor are also in cw and ccw. I wish its as simple as switching the wire. I think i go with x.

What ESCs do you use? BLHeli allows to change direction in the ESC configurator.