Quadplane tips and hints

Even if I’m not convinced - maybe I’ll buy another Mini Talon and upgrade it to a Tritilt.
Until then I am looking curiously forward to datas of our reverse tritilt ( Reverse Tricopter-VTOL Plane - https://vimeo.com/369415229 ) . Thanks again to Peter for implementing the firmware for this kind of tri to master: Both rear motors are only active in copter-modes and have to carry most of the load. So that the center of gravity can be further to the rear, we have chosen a swept wing. Only the single front motor tilts forward, efficiency is not designed to hover, but rather for forward-propulsion. Unfortunately in the past few month the weather here has either been wet, cold, stormy or a mixture of all three - We are eagerly waiting for better weather to be able to test and measure.

I would like to focus another more practical aspect: batteries.
In VTOLS, the aging of lithium ion batteries is very fast, since at the end of the battery capacity we need full power again. - and there is a great risk that the drop in battery performance is too big at the end of a flight for hovering. That’s why I became a friend of the 2-battery concept. When flying as a plane I don’t have to worry about an empty battery no. 1, as long as there is enough power for landing with battery no. 2. After a prang due to a weak battery, I look at the aging of the batteries by comparing BAT.res from flight to flight. How are your experiences ?