QuadPlane Conversion of Volantex Ranger EX (Part 2)

Hi Greg, Thanks for the all of the Volantex Ranger EX series info. I’m doing a small project using Pixhawk 2.1 Cube, Having a bit of a trouble getting the ESC calibration done, Is it possible for you to let me know how to get this sorted. Current using the


I have never used a Pixhawk 2.1 Cube. The ESC Calibration Procedures in the APM Wiki should work fine for you.


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Hi Greg, Thanks for the info. Managed to get it sorted. Still, having an issue in getting one Aeilron working, any thoughts on how to assign AUX rail pins to get the job done? I appreciate your support.

You simply assign the appropriate SERVOx_FUNCTION for aileron. For example, if you want AUX2 to also be an aileron control, then set SERVO10_FUNCTION to 4. This gives you a completely different set of Reverse, Range, and Trim settings from the main Aileron output on 1.

From the WiKi:

This is useful when you want to trim each aileron separately.


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