Quadcopter trying to flip

Hi, our quadcopter used to fly very stably. However, without any changes, during an autonomous mission, it flipped over right after arming without taking off. After the crash, we replaced the damaged motors and slightly reduced the size of the vehicle. When we resumed test flights, we noticed that in Stabilize mode, it again tried to flip over (positive pitch). However, we do not experience this issue in Loiter or Auto mode. But sometimes, during hover or takeoff in Loiter mode, the quadcopter stays slightly tilted. There is our initial parameters and BIN files:

Sounds like an IMU gone bad, I’ve got an old Pixhawk like that.
You can redo the Accel calibration and leave it plugged in to USB and MissionPlanner for extended periods to see if the HUD starts tilting.
You may just need a new flight controller.

I have replaced the Pixhawk before, but the same error persists. As you mentioned, when I connect the Pixhawk to Mission Planner, I do not encounter any issues on the HUD screen or graphs. Autotune has not been set up on the vehicle yet. Could this be the reason? Honestly, I am afraid that if the error is caused by something else, the vehicle might crash during the autotune process.

If you have the same issue on two different FCs then it is most probably a configuration issue.

Are you willing to use ArduPilot methodic configurator software to get it right on the first attempt?

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Did you analysed the reason of this crash?
Did you only checked and changed the motor?
What was the damage of this motor. Maybe this also causes a damage of the ESC. Did you check this?