Quadcopter Flips on Takeoff in AltHold Mode (Pixhawk 2.4.8)

I attempted my first flight with a quadcopter using Pixhawk 2.4.8, but it flipped over during takeoff.
I was flying indoors in AltHold mode, and I believe the motor rotation directions are correct.

I’m struggling to understand the cause of this issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Takeoff video

The motor order or directions are wrong. Read this forum dozens of users test this incorrectly and flip their vehicles. The solution is to correct the order.

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Hardware to avoid

The motor order was incorrect, but with your help, I was able to resolve it—thank you very much! The drone successfully took off, but it drifts slightly backward after takeoff. Should I adjust the trim to address this?

I see… I’ll keep this in mind for future equipment purchases. Thank you very much!

Keep the rc Transmitter teims centered and NEVER change them. Istead recalibrate the accelerometer level using mission planner

And now do what you should have done in the first place: use ArduPilot methodic configurator software to safely and efficiently configure the required 200 parameters for safe flight

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