Quad go up and down after bad Autotune

i have problem with my quad.
After crash using Autotune my quad now go up and down when i start to fly in AltHold mode.
There is way for erase the Autotune and return to previous situation ?

  1. Wrong topic
  2. If you did not finished autotune then the parameters did not changed.
  3. If you do believe that params changed then get an older log file and extract the params and load them back.
  4. Autotune does not impact altitude holding parameters. More likely the problem caused by the crash.

Hi Eosbandi,
thanks for answer.
Ok then is not a problem of Autotune but posible damage of components.
But when i arm now there is not error messages on the log.

Why wrong topic ?
is not this the section ?

I corrected the topic.

You are confused and need to read the instructions:

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