Px4pilot recepteur graupner hott

bonjour a tous, je debarque sur le forum car je voudrais utiliser un gr 12l hott avec un px4pilot, apparement c est pas possible car je suis en SUMD et il faudrait etre en SUMO
j ai bon ou pas ?

If you ask in English, I can answer. I have long with HoTT and Graupner.

Hello Andre-k, I go through google translation I speak not too much English, excuse me.
I have just purchased the px4pilot card and I have a Graupner MZ18 and GR 12l receiver in SUMD (I have read on the forum that the sumd receivers do not work with the px4) c is still true?

I can order a receiver that works in SUMO

Is there another solution?
Thank you in advance for your help

There were work for SUMD on Ardupilot APM stack, I am not completely sure about it’s status. last I saw was https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/issues/5282 , its rather old.

12L is a single receiver, if you use GR-16 , you get dual receiver, and SUMO . that works great.
If you want to try SUMD, just connect it to SBUS input

merci pour les infos
en SUMD sur le Sbus cela ne fonctionne pas :frowning:

j ai commandé un gr 12 , il support le SUMO
j essaie dés que je reçois