I have problem loading firmware with Mission Planner into my Pixhawk 2.4.6 autopilot. I did the intial setup as here: https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-loading-firmware-onto-pixhawk.html, however the port did not show PX4 FMU, but “FMU legacy” or something like that. Then I continued into initial setup but after the unplug MP asked me if this was “CubeBlack” autopilot. I clicked no, so nothing has installed into PX4. I tried it for the second time it asked me again so I clicked yes, but now I have no response from autopilot autopilot, I can´t try to install it again as it says the firmware is already installed. Is there any way out? It´s my first time using Pixhawk so I really don´t know what to do next. Thanks for any ideas.
The correct ArduCopter firmware for that is the Pixhawk 1 build, despite the fact every manufacturer of that thing makes up arbitrary version numbers for various reasons. The best way to get the right firmware is to just download the arducopter.apj file yourself from the ArduPilot firmware server located here: https://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable/Pixhawk1/
Use the load custom firmware function in Mission Planner to select that file and load it.
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