PWM range for stabilize mode


I need some help to understand the PWM on the right side of the flight mode.

if I understand correctly, each flight mode has a range of acceptable PWM. but why ?

secondly, I want to set a stabilize mode for my quadcopter, which PWM range shall I choose?

You understood incorrectly, they don’t.
That is the PWM for the flight mode selection switch on your RC transmitter. You use the switch to change the current flight mode.
That is not the RC-out range of the copter motors.

Any one of the six ranges displayed

Thx for the clarification.

I could find this text on the copter documentation :

If you want to just support three modes (using a three position switch) then you would configure the transmitter to produce PWM pulse widths of 1165, 1425, and 1815 us for the respective switch positions.

can you please explain more why shall anyone set the PWM on transmitter to get these specific PWM values?

To use a switch on the RC-transmitter to control/change the current flight mode.

RC-transmitter switch Pos 1 → Flight mode A
RC-transmitter switch Pos 2 → Flight mode B
RC-transmitter switch Pos 3 → Flight mode C

You can define which 3 (or 6) flight modes to use using that MP screen.

My point is regarding a specific PWM for a certain flight mode.

why Flight mode A shall be configured on transmitter for 1165 and the other one 1425,…and so on. ?

It just is like that. Otherwise it will not work.

Formulate your question better.

These ranges were selected ages ago and are hard coded. You don’t have to use the Flight Mode channel if you can’t understand it’s simplicity. Use RCx_OPTION where “x” is the RC chanell you have mixed on your radio.

You don’t have to do any special setting on the transmitter. Only assign a switch to the channel you want to use.
Than in mission planner you see one of the six fields in green and if you switch on transmitter to another position another field will be green now. By this you can see which positions are available for you and you can set these fields to the modes you want to use

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Thx man.

I already set the flight modes with my three step switch but just wondering why there are certain ranges of PWM per flight mode.

I thought there will be restriction for each line in the flight modes but it was explained above that is not correct.

Buy the switch on transmitter side a transmitter specific PWM is send over the mode select channel.
The FC has for each mode position a PWM range and if the received signal is somewhere in this range the assigned mode is selected.

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