Problems/Inaccuracies with GPS

Hey everyone!

So, I’ve finally managed to put my drone (for a school project) together on Mission Planner, with everything operational (thank the lord!), but I’m unfortunately having problems with my M9N GPS. Setting it up, it communicates with > 20 satellites, has a low HDOP of 0.6, and seems to accurately detect its movement when I manually move it around, but somehow it’s consistently off by about 20m! I’m not sure why, and I’ve tried correctly adjusting its position using the GPS_POS_X/Y parameters, but it seems to take it personally and go all over the map (within 30m of the drone).

I’m pretty sure I’ve calibrated the drone correctly, and have found that it isn’t magnetic interference either. I might try experimenting with RTK2GO (if I can figure that out) and see if that helps, but any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks heaps! Zach

It will be too near some source of reflection.
Make sure the copter is away from building and trees, let it sit in one position for at least 10 minutes or more. Also get the copter up off the ground, say on a table, that can help.

The M9N will not accept RTCM3 corrections.