Problem with loading firmware via SD card to autopilot Cube Orange

Hello everyone and nice to meet you, my name is Dima, this is my first topic and I hope I create it correctly!
I have two Cube Orange, I bought a second one because the first one was defective. The plane was parked in such a way that getting to the autopilot was a problem. The ardupilot website has instructions for installing the firmware via an SD card or via mavftp Loading Firmware via sdcard — Plane documentation
Fully adhering to the instructions, I tried to install all available firmware versions on the aircraft with abin permission on both of my autopilots, but I couldn’t reflash it. The file name remains ardupilot.abin, I throw the firmware into the root of the disk, when the board is turned on, the boot process is standard and the autopilot is not flashed, the file name remains unchanged, the bootloader has been updated.
Please, if someone can tell me what the problem is, I will be very grateful and then I will make a beautifully designed solution to the problem with a photo for other users, since I couldn’t find a solution in the public domain! Thank you very much!

Did you read and follow this part if the documentation as well ?
Currently, no autopilot ships with a bootloader capable of flashing from the SD card. Updating the bootloader is required to support flashing from SD card. Note that updating the autopilot’s bootloader is an operation which can make your board non-operational, and difficult to recover. More-so with boards which do not expose a “boot0” pin, such as the CubeOrange. Be aware of this risk, and be prepared to spend considerable time recovering a board if something bad happens when updating the bootloader.

Hello, of course I read it! I understand that I need to update it, I updated the bootloader as it is written in the instructions at the link in the topic “Loading Firmware via sdcard” Updating the Bootloader — Plane documentation -update
I updated both through the latest Mission Planer and through QGC, but unfortunately nothing happened!

Which version of firmware did you updated the bootloader from ?
As I checked the code SD card update was included in the bootloader around 4.3.5.

I updated and tried to flash the bootloader from Arducopter V4.4.3 to arduplane.abin versions 4.4.0, 4.4.1, 4.4.3

I just tried to update from ArduPlane V4.3.8 via SD card to version 4.4.3

OK, you were right. It seems that the new bootloader is NOT in the released firmware builds. I built a bootloader and firmware from current master, and after updating the bootloader from that firmware. I was able to update FW from SD card, but not before…


Please tell me is it possible for me to get a new bootloader so that I can implement this function or when will it be possible? Thank you very much for your help!

I built a 4.5-dev arduplane with an updated bootloader for CubeOrange (NOT OrangePlus). You can upload this on a normal method then update the bootloader from it.!AmcHEcCG2JqsnqgSunNbZGeyVLg1Hw?e=WtJMFr

Save your parameters before update, and as usual, use it at your own risk.


Thank you very much, everything works now!
This is a very useful feature!