Problem running JSBsim

Hi! I’m trying to connect Ardupilot with JSBsim, but something went wrong… Could someone explain how to fix that? thanks. -v ArduPlane -f jsbsim:Rascal --console --map

Waiting for heartbeat from tcp:
MAV> link 1 down

Linux 20.04 LTS. Latest versions of Ardupilot + JSBsim

please give me the output of this command:
JSBSim --version
and where did you install JSBSim from?

JSBSim Version: compiled from FlightGear 2019.1.1 Nov 14 2019 07:57:44

please be more specific on exactly where you got JSBSim from

I suggest you use the builtin plane simulator with -f plane for now
I will test newer JSBSim versions when I have time

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Hi! I apologize for interrupting. Could you tell me, when will you have time to look at JSBSIM, please?

The issue has been resolved. It is recommended to update both the documentation and the installation file ( Currently, the recommended and functional method is to download the JSBSim Debian file and execute it (download from the official repository).