go to plugins / services/ services caller set service to /mavros/set_mode set custom_mode to ‘GUIDED’ and click the call button The response should be true,
But the response is always false… Moreover, on hte terminal window where I launch mavros I get the following message:
MODE: Unsupported FCU
and naturaly in the mavproxy window nothing changes, and it is still in STABILIZE mode. I should note that if I try to change the mode in mavproxy window by doing mode GUIDED it works. not only am I able to change mode and take off and all that.
The port 5760 is already taken by mavproxy, use 5761 or 5762 in TCP. But there is a bug in mavproxy currently, that why I recommand to use UDP with <arg name="fcu_url" default="udp://" />
That’s really strange… when I change the values to that the launch doesn’t happen…instead I get
[ERROR] [1499799869.786768019, 1.000000000]: udp0: sendto: Invalid argument
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
what(): Resource deadlock avoided
@khancyr… I’m not sure if I understand your question… but waht I’m doing is in one terminal run
Actually it isnt… I’m launching it with the erlecopter model. That is the physical one the lab acquired so I have to work with it. Is there something that will need changing in the source code then? But then again, even using their model I’m using the ardupilot original branch. And from the mavproxy window I’m able to change mode etc…