is there any way to lock or prevent access to flight controller from mission planner to configuration and parameters table .
No, there is not. It will probably violate the GPL software license if you do that.
Just want to stop play around with tuned parameters .
This feature is requested here from time to time. The last person called it “admin mode”, but there are many names for it.
Some call it tamper proofing
Search the forum, if you can join forces with someone else and create a github pull-request, we will take a look at it.
Check the developer docs, you can set parameters to read only. However it requires some preparation and is not for the novice. You modify a firmware .apj file with those parameters marked as read only then install it. You would need another apj file if you ever need to alter those values.
I’m working on a script that can do this, but it will requires ap 4.5…
What I did was set the initial visibility of the config and tuning panels at false. Then adding a checkBox on the top of Mission Planner that sets the visibility of the config and tuning panels. Also, you could add a password system, something like :
pwd = “azertyuiop”
if (InputBox.Show(“Enter Password”, “Please enter your password”) == pwd)
this.MenuSimulation.Visible = true;
this.MenuConfigTune.Visible = true;
this.MenuInitConfig.Visible = true;
Though it’s not perfect, allows you to set some kind of admin mode…
ahaha no, well thank you !
This is good news it will be great improvement.
Only for mission planner not fo FC unfortunately.
The password should protect modifications to parameters in FC not in mission planner software.