Precision Landing Tuning

Good morning,
I’m working on precision landing with companion computer (rpi zero v2 + raspicam v3) on the cube FC. I make the target aprilTag recognition with the vision-landing-2 repo from kripper and chobitsfan (I had to make few correction, I hope i will find some time to upload them). I’m using “fake” rangefinder from mavlink rpi for the tests; on the bigger final UAS, it will be a lidar RGF ;). The precision landing is working fine, and the Cube read right the information given by Rpi. But as you can see in the attached videos, the result are not always perfect, and the landing error remains to big. I saw few examples were the results was almost perfect.
Is there any method to tune perfectly the PLND ?
I try to play a bit with the PSC parameters, and PLND_LAG, reducing JERK_XY was better, but there are just so many other parameters involved!
Another subsidiary question is about the landing strictness, timeout and retry, that is not doing as it should do, in particular the hovering if target is lost.
I attach also a log from few landings, may be you can find some information, or explain me how I can read the necessary configuration.
Because I read almost all PLND topics, I allow myself to cite some of the masters : @ppoirier @rmackay9 @amilcarlucas
Thanks a lot,
Kind Regards
Log bin-file
Video Landing 1
Video Landing 2
Video Landing 3

We have a drone that operates autonomously 24/7 without a pilot and with vision based precision landing.
It has been in operation for some years now.

And you tagged me, so I guess you read some of my posts and you know how it got tuned to do that.

Thanks for your answer. Yes I am convinced that this can working perfectly, I only have some issues with tuning.
I did not find any topic or posts where the tuning is explained. Only to make work the PL.

There is a configuration step on the ArduPilot Methodic Configurator | MethodicConfigurator software dedicated entirely to precision landing.

But according to my experience, it is of little help if you do not do the other mandatory steps.
Please do notice that each step has a different level of mandatoryness.

The software will not automatically fix your problems, but it will help you fix your problems.

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