PreArm: Rangefinder 1: No Data

I have connected NRA24 Nano radar to my pixhawk 6c flight controller and configure all parameters same as Ainstein US-D1 Radar Altimeter. The problem is there is message showing as PreArm: Rangefinder 1: No Data. But in the status tab Rangfinde1 shows the reading. Sometimes it is not accurate. Is there a solution to fix this No data error and that rangefinder value reading error?

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Hello Ashmika,
I am also using NRA24 with the same parameters as per Ainstein US-D1 Radar Altimeter, and getting same error Prearm: Rangefinder 1: No Data.
Have you got the solution for this problem.

Hello Ashish,

When I had this error I untick the prearm check for rangefinder. After that always say message Bad Lidar Health. Ignore that. You can check the rangefinder values from status tab rangefinder section. When you fly your drone Bad lidar health error not appearing. I got this solution for this Radar. Try It.

Thank you.