PreArm: Check Mag Field: reading outside of range

Getting an error message: PreArm: Check mag field: 1271, max 875, min 185

Don’t have anything plugged in except micro-usb, and safety switch, just trying to test arming. Tried calibrating but did not help. Not sure where to look in Parameter tree. Thanks in advance.

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offset values are too high…, just perform again the calibration.
Be sure keep far from compass VTX antenna e receiver antennas and wires.
I suggest don’t use the internal compass of the fc.
If compasses are in the GPS module just use a stand keeping far from metals

Address this later after the craft is built. It’s a waste of time to calibrate it now.

i am having the same problem, i had the plane built, i dont had the vtx power on, both gps are pointing forward in normal position, and for some reason after mag calibration compass 2 orientation set up to yaw270, i am using a pixhawk 6c and the m8n gps

You should not do this with a USB power source. Use a proper battery.

i was using holybro 915mhz telemetry radio

Holybro 915Mhz is not a power source.

Yes i know, maybe i had to be more clear, i qas not using usb, i was using a lion with the holybro power module, and using a telemetry modem to connect with the pixhawk

Outside, with clear sky view, proper GPS lock and away form metalic structures?

yes, i dont know why its happening, with the pix4 boards i didnt had any problem, i will try in the next way in a open field far away from the city