PPM encoder not working

We have connected the RC receiver FS-IA6B with the pixhawk 2.4.8 flight controller via PPM encoder . But the issue is that the motors are not spinning by controlling the RC Transmitter.

Why use an encoder when that Tx supports PPM/iBus/Sbus?

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Because we have to transmit 6 channels of receiver to the RCIN of flight controller. Which might not be possible by direct connection without ppm encoder.

I’ll just repeat what I said. Attempt to be resourceful and find the manual for that Receiver and configure it for PPM, iBus or Sbus all are supported. This is done on the Transmitter. And get rid of the Encoder that you don’t need.


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I was following through the instructions of pixhawk flight controller & according to that we connected all the components & also configured ppm output as ON from the transmitter. Still we are not getting any signal from transmitter to rotate the motors. Kindly,can you please share some good manuals for reference.

In the past I have used many times PPM encoders if wanting to use car receivers providing only the individual channels. I have had PPM encoders that didn’t work without a clear reason, which could be investigated with oscilloscope (I didn’t).

So I have ended using only this encoder:
which always works and gives two outputs for flexibility.


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He doesn’t need an encoder, no point in using one.

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Google “FS-IA6B sbus output” and you will find plenty of resources. Forget about motors turning until you see function on the Radio Calibration screen.

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