Possible bug in SMART_RTL

Always me.
Here the situation: the drone is setup for SMart RTL in case of remote failsafe.

According to attached log it followed the path for a while than decide to land in a “random” point over the previous flight path.

Settings for Smart RTL are: 2m between each point and max 150 point.

According to Wiki, in case Pixhawk run out of point should disable Smart RTL and continue with normal RTL. Is this correct?

Attached the flight log.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1llVCHeTqygUm6NQTBeDsAJq-zdffJUSQ/view?usp=sharing

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Hi Lorenzo,

I haven’t completed a review of the log yet but when Smart RTL runs out of points it disables SmartRTL so that the vehicle can’t switch into this mode. The failsafes can be setup so they SmartRTL or RTL (if SmartRTL is not available) OR they can be setup to SmartRTL or Land (if SmartRTL is not available).

SmartRTL never runs out of points on the way home so once the vehicle gets into SmartRTL it should make it home.

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Hi rmackay9,

What you explain to me is exactly what I have understood from the wiki.

Please correct me the log will tell you something else but according to it, drone came back following the “smart RTL” until it run out of point and than land on “last saved point”

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Hi rmackay9,

Any news? it is a bug or we set parameters in wrong way?

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I’ve created an issue here and I hope we can resolve this for Copter-3.7 at least.

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Many thanks @rmackay9

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