Plane transit into Tandem Bicopter

Hi, I’m trying to build Plane that can transit into Tandem Bicopter!

I had studied the former cases such as

According to Peter Hall’s comments I had change the tailsitter code into Tandem Bicopter.

In the videos are the details of the plane and the problems I’m facing now!

here is the parameter & changed program:

This is how it looks like when its completely build (red are the servos axis):

My process plane:

Thank you for helping!!

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Sorry, AP does don’t support a front + back bicopter. Only left and right.

Hi @iampete , is there another way to achieve front + back bicopter?
Thanks for your reply.

You would have to change the mixer here:

I did. check this
Let me know if I made a mistake.

Hi, @iampete I try to force it into QSTABILIZE MODE by setting all flight modes to QSTABILIZE MODE.
with the code I adapt
The result is it perform as same as FBWA mode. video below.

here is the parameter & adapted code:

Is it now correct in VTOL flight? You might have to change the forward flight code here:

You might find it works just by setting the tilt type to continuous rather than bicopter.

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May I ask is it possible to print out which .cpp files are used by adding code: printf(“file name”) or so in order to debug?

I don’t really understand the question, see the debugging section on the wiki:

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Hi @iampete, 2 questions here

(1) How can I customize the detail of the transition procedure(see graph)?

(2) After days of testing when using “Plane V4.1.6 OFFICIAL” (left-right bicopter)with this parameter somehow the “TiltMotorFrontLeft” always turn about 15 degrees (see video

)before I arm( FLTMODE_CH=5) the drone(it does not turn back to vertical after armed). How can I fix these?

Big thanks for your reply!

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Update here
something went wrong with Q_TILT_TYPE:0
more details here!!
Plz take a look