Plane 4.1 stable

There are bugs in the latest versions of TBS firmware that affect both smart audio and CRSF. Until those are resolved I won’t be able to look at any SA or CRSF issues of this nature.

Thanks Andy, hopefully it’s sorted soon! Weird that it doesn’t work connected to a UART

Hi @andyp1per

Can you recommend any older TBS firmware which is known for less problems with SA and CRSF?

Do de-transitions with Q_GUIDED_MODE = 1 use this new multiple-phased logic or still start at WP_LOITER_RAD metres away?

Hi all.

I have a bug/problem with logging.

Latest stable arduplane on a Matek h743-wing (sd card logging worked flawlessly on (I think, 4.1.0 version)), after updating the arduplane version to 4.1.7, did a long-ish flight, at home, connected the plane (FC) to (latest stable) MP through USB and tried to download the log file, log downloader does not see it. I took out the SD card, Windows is seeing it in log folder, I can save it locally and I can transform it with MP, bin to log.

Why can’t MP see/download it through it’s dedicated program?

Still looking for a solution to this issue.! was this ever fixed and did I miss out on something!

I cannot config CUAV-X7+ using firmware 4.1.7 and 4.2.1, or 4.0.9.
Gyros is unstable when run motors !

I used cuav v5 nano and nora with nice flight before !

we would need to see the successful flight log with the v5-nano and the bad flight log with the X7+ to see what is wrong

My 5 cents: X7-Pro is using different sensors. I think retuning would solve the problem.

I will get bin log of them soons. I returned to H7 flight board, will get test VTOL tomorrow. I tested hexacopter drone with X7+ using plane quadroplane 4.1.7 fw and have a good flight, I will compar these logs.

VTOL Stabilized with old H7 board !

EDIT: This seems to be expected and accepted behavior with Q_RTL_MODE=0, but that does sound like a bug with Q_RTL_MODE=2 as you have it.

Quadplanes variety of modes significantly complicates the desired failsafe behavior, but it seems like most of people’s issues would be solved by a bit that has the failsafes trigger QLAND instead of RTL if the mode is a quad mode. That would only be an issue for people who fly in quad mode in an area where they can’t emergency land.

I have a very repeatable issue where a particular airframe runs the forward motor inappropriately, even with Q_VFWD_GAIN=0.

@tridge, could you have a look?

@andyp1per Any updates on smart audio implementation?

I have a couple of units on order to do some testing. Trappy thinks he might have some fixed VTX code around about now - I will check in with him - the good news is that the CRSF side has had a lot of love, so I don’t think it will simply get dropped. So still work in progress - and I apologise for the delay - but its been out of my hands. I also have a tramp implementation done so will test as part of this.

IIRC 6.18 is the new CRSFv3 implementation and 6.19 is the VTX rewrite + CRSFv3. Unfortunately 6.19 did not fix the issues with VTX telemetry - which I need - but its getting very close.

Any updates on the smart audio issues?

Sorry, I have lost the context on this. Please can you lay out for me your setup - including flight controller and wiring - and what is not working for you?

Hi Will, I had the same VTx issues to you with earlier versions CRSF (6.13/6.14/6.16) when using SA for VTx control. If your goal is VTx control try this:

On Copter 4.2.3 with CRSF V6.19 & Plane 4.2.3 with CRSF V6.17, SA functions correctly for me. I’m still tentative about 6.19. The updater and firmware versions of late haven’t been too robust.

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I have a Matek 405WSE with a TBS Unify Pro HV and TBS Nano for radio link 6.19 firmware. The implementation of smart audio ceased working I had the smart audio connected to a spare UART.

Please can you post your settings and describe what ceased working means